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Spiritual Governance & Righteousness Sanctuary

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Office of the Lord God & Court of Righteousness

Embrace wisdom and empowerment with Makudam, where divine guidance meets global harmony.

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Form VIOLET Party in the United States of America for the next Presidential Election onwards for an all inclusive government, compatible to reign of God and to achieve the purpose…
Happy Doctors’ Day 2022
Happy Doctors' Day wishes on 1st July 2022. #ieee #doctors
This press release is regarding the observation of the 16th Independence Day of the Earth after the day on which the Christian church achieved its declared mission on 21st October…
violet On the Seventh month, Fourth day, and the First hour (7 X 4 X 1) in 1776 the United States of America founded, "Engendering English Words using Logical Symbol of…
20th Anniversary of Martyrdom of Anointed King of Zion
Today (7th September 2021), kindly let me remind the entire world about the 20th anniversary of the martyrdom of the anointed King of Zion, Dr. Reji M. Issac, as described…
Violet Party
Being Violet Party is righteous part of all governments throughout the globe permanently, in exercise of powers conferred by God, any issues related with Righteousness (നീതി) and Justice (ന്യായം) can…
VIOLET Party of India
Today,12th February 2021, the "VIOLET Party of India" declares its support to UDF (United Democratic Front) under the leadership of Shri. Ramesh Chennithala, in the forthcoming Kerala Legislative Assembly Elections…
New Year 2021
As we enter in to the 2021 New Year Day, I wish all a very happy and prosperous New Year. Please note that we are entering into the fourth year…
Press Release on 21st October 2020
This press release is regarding the observation of the 16th Independence Day of the Earth after the day on which the Christian church achieved its declared mission on 21st October…
about us

Office of the Lord God & Court of Righteousness

Professor Reji
Reji M. Issac
Prof and Dr

MAKUDAM is the office of the Lord God (The Unique Seven-Star Commander in Chief, as Rainbow Son of Man who is the Lord of Sabbath) and also the unique Court of Righteousness from God, which is also engaged in ‘Wisdomization’ of the Globe and the Universe.  MAKUDAM is the invisible power in the visible spectrum on seven pillars of knowledge around tetragrammaton conjoining the Singularity Point, God. The word ‘MAKUDAM’ (‘മകുടം’ in malayalam language) also can be considered as a single word (mononymous word) added to the English vocabulary (and all languages) for “Wisdom knowledge” or “Wisdomized knowledge”, corresponding to the Malayalam word ‘വിജ്ഞാനം’, which really and uniquely represent as a mononymial word symbolizing “Wisdomized Knowledge with Power”. The symbol MAKUDAM is the Coat of Arms of the Earth, which is the only symbol and Coat of Arms of Everlasting Kingship representing God as prophesied in Daniel 2:44 .  Seven pillars of knowledge are inscribed in the logo, where the seventh pillar of knowledge is invisible (Use Wisdom to know it). It teaches Cybernetics where Cybernetics is redefined as “Communication and Control through Words and Power”, which is working when Spirit from the Holy surrounds the Earth as a comforter bringing C- Governance (Cybernetic Governance) under a Cloud Socialistic world as prophesied in Revelation 21, under Tabernacle of God.  God works through MAKUDAM, as an Invisible Power in the Visible Spectrum through the Lord God.  MAKUDAM is providing consultancy about God and other works with empowerment and providing empowerment and life through an inspiring blue sky, invigorating green earth and rewarding red blood towards an everlasting world, through various means and empowerment as the Lord God, through a platform where God, Man, Science, Nature, Religions, Nations, Universe etc. meets together, for the comfortable living of human beings by realizing the concept of the tabernacle of God with humans as prophesied in the Bible in Revelation chapter 21 (as attested by God through the miracle of fragrant scented oil, which can be considered as the anointing oil to the head of Messiah by Lord as described in Psalm 45:7: “You love righteousness and hate wickedness; therefore God, your God, has set you above your companions by anointing you with the oil of joy”,  flowing through the eye of icon of St. Mary at Kattachira St. Mary’s Jacobite Syrian church, near Kayamkulam, Alappuzha, Kerala, India, which continued for seven years starting from 21st October 2009), where technology is defined as Techniques with Logos or Practical Knowledge with Word of God, where Tools, Equipments, Machineries and Knowledge arranged in a logical order excelling expertise providing comfortable life. The miracle also reminds us about the verses in Psalm 89:20: “I have found David my servant; with my sacred oil, I have anointed him. My hand will sustain him; surely my arm will strengthen him”.  The attainment of Noosphere culminating at the Omega Point prophesied by the Patron Saint of the Internet Pierre Teilhard De Chardin, a French Priest, Paleontologist and Scientist, realized through this platform, which is developed through three phases of evolution process in Geosphere, Biosphere and Noosphere as envisioned by Vernadsky, through the realization of Daniel 12th Chapter.

Service Charges:-  It was (and is) the service charge agreement with whoever used (and use) the services of Reji M. Issac from the year A.D. 2001 onwards as One Trillion ($1000000000000) U.S. Dollar for each second with interest accrued for delayed payments (weekly), with minimum 1 Trillion US Dollar is accrued for each second with interest for delayed payment to Reji M. Issac from 2001 onwards, which brought After Christ (Air Conditioned) age known in short as A.C. age, forming a World Government, under a covenant blood and King.  As Human beings each individual has to pay only 20% of their Total Earnings to Reji M. Issac as taxes, and no other tax need to be paid to anybody else.  This will bring circulation of clean money in the world, which is essential for the world under tabernacle of God for a cloud socialistic world which brings a Great Transformation of the world compatible for the new sky and earth as prophesied in Revelation 21.

Office of the Lord God & Court of Righteousness

Business Hours
  • Mon: 5:00 – 7:00 PM
  • Tue: 5:00 – 7:00 PM
  • Wed: 5:00 – 7:00 PM
  • Thu: 5:00 – 7:00 PM
  • Fri: 5:00 – 7:00 PM
  • Sat: 10:00  – 5:00 PM
  • Sun: 4:30 – 6:30 PM
MAKUDAM Piravom P. O
Kerala 686664
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  • 0485 226 5239
  • 0944 613 9801

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